Shortys MirII Map Edit Guide & Link

smoochy boys on tour


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Shorty's Map Edit Guide - Download Link **


  1. File - Usual "File" features, save etc...
  2. Pallet - This will give you a drop down menu of different pallets, object, tiles etc..
  3. Object Editor - This allows you to edit and build objects from the object.wils (tile.wils also)
  4. View - This allows you to show and hide certain parts of the map during the making process, it wont hide them imagne!
  5. Appearance - This will change the look of the map edit (not layout)
  6. Help -
  7. Auto Draw - This will allow you to draw tiles onto the map and by holding "Ctrl" it will continuous draw.
  8. Detail Tile - This is the auto draw broken down abit, with extra tiles (shops floors, bodies, maps)
  9. Fill G Tiles - This will fill the map/blocked off area with the selected tile.
  10. Fill Atribute - Left click will fill the map/blocked off area with yellow atributes which you cant walk on, but can cast spells such as SFB, FireBall etc through.) Right click will fill the map/blocked off area with red atributes, which you cannot cast spells such as SFB, Fireball etc through.
  11. Single Atribute - This will lay 1 atribute at a time, unless you press CTRL, which shall do a 5X5 area of the left or right click attribute.
  12. Undo - Does what it says on the tin :)
  13. Tiles - This button allows you to swap between Big and Small tiles, when swapping to small tiles, click auto draw, and you shall see them, you CAN NOT cover them up!
  14. Erase/Bin - This will remove objects, depending on the eraser used. Click = 1 object and red atribute. CTRL + Click will remove a 3x3 area of red and yellow atributes. Shift + click will remove a 15X15 area (not 100% on size) of objects, and red atributes. Ctrl + Shift + Click will do the same as shift + click, but yellow atributes aswell.
  15. Light - This tool places a light on the map, some lights in the object list (17) will have them already, some won't. 0 - removes light, 4= brightest light.
  16. Objects - Allows you to view objects, and place. (useless really)
  17. Objects List - This is a list of objects that are built in the mir.set, you can load a custom mir.set or mir.obj there is no difference, they both would work. If you rename your mir.obj, mir.set and place in the files you are using, it will load it every time.
  18. Arrows - These will move the map up, left, right, down, preety simple really :)
  19. Zoom In/Out - Needless to explain
  20. Load/Save Bar - This just shows how much of your work is loaded or been saved.

Known Bugs
  • If you "Auto G Fill" a 300X300 area or larger, the map edit will crash (if broken into bits, its fine, aslong as segments dont exceed 300X300)
  • Certain objects prevent you doing "undo"

Building Objects

Getting Started:

  1. Open the map edit.
  2. Open the menu bar option "Object Editor"
  3. Click the pop out menu option "object editor"

Understanding your interface:

  1. ‘Mask 1’ - Clicking this will enable you to place the red attribute to your object. Clicking it again will remove. So clicking an existing red attribute with this on, will remove it. This can be used in combination with the yellow atrirbute ‘Mask 2’ (Item 2).
  2. ‘Mask 2’ - This is exactly the same to mask one, the only difference is this one is yellow. There is a difference between them, one enables spells to be cast through it. Eg SFB, FireBall, cannot be cast through red attributes.
  3. ‘Obj’ - Clicking this will enable you to place objects located in the object libary at the base of the object editor (Item 24).
  4. ‘Tile’ - Clicking this allow you to place tiles on the object. Tiles can only be placed on even coordinates eg 2:2, 2:-4 etc.. Odd ones wont work. Tiles will not move when using the arrows (Item 16). Attributes will also bug on objects including/built from tiles, reason is unknown.
  5. ‘Door Core’ - Unknown
  6. ‘Light’ - This enables to you set light levels on your objects, eg Fox Cave walls have lights on. The light value is set via the light level box (Item 19).
  7. ‘0:0’ - This is the coordinates of where your mouse is located on the object. If you look closley you will see a crosshair splitting the object area into 4 areas. 0,0 being the top right corner of the bottom left box.
  8. ‘ShowTiles’ - This is a simple feature, it will load up the Detailed Tile box (Item 23) If its not appearing, due to closure when building objects.
  9. 'Obj Index' - This is where your current position the object libary (Item 24) is at.
  10. 'Clear' - Clicking this button will clear your current object block of everything
  11. 'Ok' - Clicking this will save your object, and overwrite the previous object in that slot. There is no "Are you sure?" popup.
  12. 'Cancel' - Clicking this will undo everything you've done to the object in the current session and reset it to its formal state before opening the object editor.
  13. 'Frames' - Frames are for animated objects. This can be edited without having to re-apply any objects. Whether it effects tiles is unknown, will research.
  14. 'Tick' - This is the speed of your animations. The lower the number, the faster it goes.
  15. 'Alpha' - UNKNOWN
  16. '< ^ V >' - The Arrow buttons will allow you to nudge objects around in the object editor. If you nudge them off the screen they will still place on the map, maybe not where you want.
  17. 'View Mask' - Ticking this box will simply show the masks (Items 1 & 2) when in the object editor. It will not turn them off in the map edit or ingame.
  18. 'Line Num' - Ticking this box will show the object index's in the object libary at the base of the page (Item 24)
  19. 'Light' - This is to be used in cojunction with Item 6. When item 6 is collected it will place lights on the maps with the ligh level set to the value in the box.
  20. 'Door Number' - Unknown
  21. 'Door Offset' - Unknown
  22. 'Objects' - This selects the object.wil the object libary reads off (Item 24)
  23. 'Detail Tiles' - This is to be used in conjunction with item 4 'Tiles'. This is used to select tiles from the til.wil it does NOT use items from the smtile.wil (Small tiles). These are only abled to be placed on even coordinate, see Item 4 for more details.
  24. Objects - This is the object libary, it will display items from the object.wil.

If you have any queries or questions please post below!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 15, 2009
Hey Smavid I'd love to try out your map editor but the link in your sig isn't working atm


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 15, 2009
Has anyone used this for gamepot mir maps? I have the editor in the data folder but I have only managed to successfully load one map (a small gamble room), every other time it crashes or loads some random tiles then crashes. -win xp pro
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 27, 2006
Can anyone help me im tryingto add attributes to stop players walking though tree's round edge but the attributes have covered the map can anyone tel me how to remove them plz


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
the maps cover in the yellow attributes i need to remove some spots as i cannot walk anywhere

Have you got a previous copy? if so revert to that. ALWAYS when doing attributes save a original.. and re-save new copies as you go, eg... town1 every 5-10 minutes. Seems silly, but if you make mistake its a real life saver.

If you haven't got a copy press shift and Ctrl then left click and it'll remove a 5x5 grid of attributes, and do so removing on areas you wish to walk, its a lengthy process.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2011
is this program to make a new maps or too add a new maps to the server ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 21, 2003
this program doesnt seem to work properly for me. The map looks fine in the editor, but ingame it looks like this


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 21, 2003
The Fill G Tiles option is very tempremental. It seems to work when it wants to, and only with certain tiles.... Needless to say, it refuses to fill the map with the tile I want it to use.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 21, 2003
Ok I found the correct floor tiles for Jinchon, but when I place them, they look like lava tiles :/ guess this little "project" of mine, is put on hold untill a working editor is released.