Crystal Ravagers Mir2

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
smoochy boys on tour






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Ravager Autopatcher

Account Creation enable at 4pm uk time.
Character creation enable at 5pm uk.
Ravagers launching tonight Friday at 6pm uk time.
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LOMCN Developer
Game Master
Jun 13, 2003
Icestorm improved to pick up target in auto hunt mode
Auto mele attack for archers fixed Improved auto cast spells to avoid spamming spells which require cooldown such as blizzard and meteorstrike
Trinkets level 40, 45 and 50 added to Crafting npc
Item dura loss improved
Added a fix for stack bug where you need to relog to fix item not stacking
TownArea trinkets stats improved with HP
Gold rate increased in mobs, subs and bosses
Special item reroll prices reduced to 100,000
NapalmShot PVE damage increased by 10%
CrippleShot PVE damage increased by 10%
HellKeeper, DarkDevil and EvilMir HP and Damage reduced 20%
PrajnaStoneCave, PrajnaTemple and Page3 Mobs damage reduced
Items level 45-50 and 50-55 Drop rate increased
Level 40-45 spells drop rate increased
Required level to level up spells reworked, At level 55 you will be able to level up all your spells up to level 5
CriticalRate runes added to drop files
Shards(L) gold amount required to craft increased
MysteriousBook stack size increased to 10
Crafting materials weight removed, Drop rate increased
Gems stack size increased to 10
Gems crafting success chance increased to 75% and gold required to craft reduced
Orbs added to Crafting NPC
PotentialLevel added to Ranking dialog
TownArea bosses now shouts once spawn, Cooldown 10 seconds added to teleport
Fix added for DarkBody bug where it was not picking another target once taoists hide

Disassemble Item:
Break the item you do NOT need and gain random count of them materials Black, Red and White Thread - Translucent - CraftingGems
Count of materials increasing with higher item level that you are breaking

Item Set:
WhiteGold, RedJade and Nephrite items added to Crafting NPC, Also added to all drop files at rare chance to drop.
Must be wearing all of them 5 items to gain their extra stats 3/7 (AC), 3/7 (MC, DC, SC) and 5% HP

Saturday and Wednesday at 7:00pm for 30 minutes
You will not gain pk points there but still can drop item
SabukWall reward changed to SWTrinket expire 4 hours, Total of 4 trinkets per day.

Newbie Guild:
Level to kick out members increased to 50
Extra 20% exp rate added, You will lose the buff once you are level 50

Friday Patch:
New 3 Hunting Caves
TownArea Boss Level 60+
(2) Item set for each class
Increasing special item drop rate such as HeavenArmour, PowerRing and CriticalHelmet
"Bennu Temple"


LOMCN Developer
Game Master
Jun 13, 2003
Storage and Rank bug happens with Log out fixed
Torch and Mount stopped losing durability in Safezone
Amulet and Poison stack size increased to 50,000
Potential now is account and not character
Veteran buff added for second characters, You will only receive the buff if your Level and Potential is lower than your second character
Veteran buff will remove auto while your leveling Potential System
PoisonCloud, Blizzard, Rage, DoubleShot and SwiftFeet drop rate increased


LOMCN Developer
Game Master
Jun 13, 2003
-Friday Patch-

Evil Mir
Chance to Green and Paralysis poison reduced
Green and Paralysis poison duration reduced to 9 and 4 seconds
Green Poison damage increased
HP reduced by 30% and Damage increased by 20%

2 HuntingCaves added to teleport stone
Turtle Cave and Land Of Trolls, They are designed for players level 50+ and Potential level 60+

1 GroupCave "Bennu Temple"
The cave will require team of players to hunt, It will be only 1 Floor with KR but you can't RT there

1 TownArea "OmaKingSpirit"
The only boss which has chance to drop special item set version 2

Item set level 55-60 for each class

NewbieGuild exp rate increased to 50% up to level 50
Leveling up to 55 became little eaiser

EvilMir, HellKeeper and DarkDevil drop file updated
Special Armours drop rate increased
Special item set version 1 drop rate increased from bosses
SlashingBurst, MeteorStrike, EnergyShield, ShadowStep and ElementalShot drop rate increased
BloodyPunish, BeastDragon, DragonChains, HolyDragon and FrozenKnives drop rate increased
Items level 50-55 drop rate increased

Spells MP cost reduced
Skeleton, Shinsu, Deva and Wizards Clone defence increased
ExplosiveTrap bug fixed
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LOMCN Developer
Game Master
Jun 13, 2003
Books color on floor changed to Red
Slow and Poison chance increased for Assassin and Warriors
DarkDevil movement and attack speed increased
HellKeeper, Bennu and EvilMir damage increased
Bennu mobs damage increased

Total of 19 boss Starting with BoneLord and MinotaurKing Ending with DarkDevil and HellKeeper.
Superior bosses such as DarkDevil, HellKeeper spawns at random location to prevent them being camped by top players.

3 Floors and 1 KR (No RandomTeleport)
Total of 4 bosses OrcCommander, OrcGeneral, OrcMutant and OrcKing.
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